Here it is! Our new play set that Mommy and Daddy built for us. (Mostly Daddy but Mommy learned how to use a drill.) It took 72 man hours to build our cool fort. We are looking forward to many more hours of fun on it. Myles, Lily and I have already broke it in. Yes that is Mommy with a drill! Watch out!
I'm 8 months old! I keep telling myself only 4 more months till I get my first piece of cake. I can't wait. You should see me eat table food. I'm not shy and will try just about anything. My perfect meal would be Cherrios, cut up bananas, and harvest vegetables. I'm sitting like a pro now. I can get up on all fours with help but I'm not crawling yet. Just wait and I will be on the move soon. Mason is my funny buddy. All I have to do is look at him and I crack up laughing. Life is good!
Nanny made me an Easter Bunny cake. I hope I won't get caught sneaking a taste. It was so yummy! I know it's late but Happy Easter to you all. My first Easter basket. Wow there's chocolate inside these eggs!